Patton Associates S-M-A-R-TBriefing™

Assisting you to release your full potential by enhancing your people skills and team customer service!

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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I am a people development coach and consultant ...The People Development Guy. I specialize in facilitating customer service-related human relations / people skills training programs that are powerfully effective cross-generationally. As well, I consult to organizations in the people development field. I also work with individuals coaching professionals & leaders in becoming better at what they do. I also teach part-time at York University in Toronto. To re-create, I love to hike, ride my bike, and explore good books. I also avidly read health labels!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

"1st Rate Customer Care" - Vol. 10, July 2005

A Team of researchers at Texas A&M University many years ago established what they called ‘The Five Determinants of Service Quality’.

Up to the present age of e-Commerce, these five determinants of what customers need to remain loyal to any organization continue to prove true in survey after survey.

When you consistently practise the Five Determinants of Service Quality, you and your organization will become a ‘First Rater’ in customer care. You will find the determinants easier to remember and put into practice by using the acronym*:
R eliability …Doing the job right the first time!
A ssurance …Demonstrating trustworthiness in all that you do!
T angibility …Demonstrating your quality in everything physical the customer sees!
E mpathy …Demonstrating that you really care about your customers!
R esponsiveness …Reacting promptly and always under-promise and over-deliver!

Here’s your customer service people skills S-M-A-R-TTip™:
Become a '1st Rater' in all aspects of your customer care …no matter how or whom you serve. Teach your staff to do the same. When you do, you will stand out from the pack. You will retain the loyalty of the customers you have and not have to waste money attempting to attract replacement ones. Plus you will earn your customers’ repeat referrals. You will not only survive but also succeed in our global economy. Remember: providing quality customer service is a moment-to-moment choice. And life is an unending series of choices.

* This acronym was created by Ms. Susan Fullerton, Manager, Cosmetics Department, Shoppers Drug Mart, in Hamilton while participating in our Customer Service Excellence program in 2001.
Now It's Your Turn!: What do you think and how do you feel about the '1st rater concept'? Please share with me and my readers how you typically demonstrate one or more of the five determinants of superior customer care to your customers. (My 'Comment Section', in which you can share anonymously, will open to you when you click on "Comments" immediately below this post.)

Until next time, how can I help you? (You can contact me by clicking here. Also, contact me directly to be added to Patton Associates’ S-M-A-R-TBriefing™ Mailing List.)

With our compliments and permission to reproduce, without change, including the following:
© Copyright 2005 Gary Patton,, People Development Coaches & Consultants
“Specialists in coaching professionals to success in the people side of team customer service.”
142-26 Livingston Rd. Toronto ON CAN M1E 4S4 Tel: 416-264-4633 E-Mail: